Digging Deeper With The Dfx Pdf To Word

2020. 2. 13. 07:43카테고리 없음

Obama's Straw man II: The Birth CertificateThe Obama machine’s –the — was defeated by his own arrogance, stupidity, and a couple of lousy photoshoppers.is one of the best-named fallacies, because it is memorable and vividly illustrates the nature of the fallacy. Imagine a fight in which one of the combatants sets up a man of straw, attacks it, then proclaims victory.

All the while, the real opponent stands by untouched.Like the, Obama has set up another, the fallacy that ‘the birth certificate’ was enough to prove he was not a usurper to avoid the and still for the Presidency.Description of “The Birth Certificate Straw Man”The is committed when a person simply ignores a person’s actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of “reasoning” has the following pattern:. Person A has position X. Is born in US of two citizen parents owing no foreign allegiance, and Obama is not a. Person B presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X). Obama and bots say birth in the United States is the only criterion for a.

Person B attacks position Y. Obama gripes that he has submitted it, calls everyone racist who disputes it, delays, jails or neutralizes opponentsthen releases another forged version. Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed. Therefore, I am/Obama is a and eligible for the Presidency.This sort of “reasoning” is fallacious because attacking a distorted version of a position simply does not constitute an attack on the position itself. (emphasis added)In other words, producing a COLB or proving U.S.birth does not attack– or refute– the nbc requirement that both parents must be U.S. Citizens, and that Obama was born with.Obama has conceded, and proven once again by this latest joke of an electronic image, that he is not a, and not eligible for the Presidency.When your opponent sets up a, set it on fire and kick the cinders around the stage.

Don’t worry about losing the Strawperson-American community vote. There are those on our side who fully support, and still do, the birth in the US and one citizen parent as okthat debate must be in a valid supreme court as to whether that is true. In the meantime we have no legal or constitutional authority to separate birth place and parental citizenship and must accept what the constitution has meant for 235 years.Corsi will have some information that will jeopardize Obama, but we must view this BC as a false flag, strawman, burn it up ourselves, and continue to press NBC and his illegality.I believe as we speak either all his records are being forged or they have been destroyed. Drkate: or hidden away!Keep in mind that WE ALREADY KNOW THE UNAMBIGUOUS LEGAL DEFINITION OF THE TERM-OF-ART “natural born Citizen”!!

It was put into the law of this land by the United States Supreme Court decision in the 1875 Minor v. Happersett case and has never been overturned (but even has been recognized and confirmed in other cases since that time).

At the time of the decision in Minor it was almost 100 years after the nation’s founding and even now 230-plus years later it still means the same thing. One simplified way of stating this is “born in the US of 2 US citizen parents”.The actual 1875 Supreme Court opinion in Minor v Happersett:“The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents. As to this class there have been doubts, but never as to the first.

“ (emphasis added)This means the simple “born in America of 2 citizen parents” still is the active, pertinent law of our land. It should in conjunction with A2S1C5 of the Constitution, be the law that determines Obama’s fate of course he and the Flying Monkeys won’t agree; they’d rather just ignore or rewrite the Constitution, but I wouldn’t. What I keep saying is that the U.S. Constitution is the legal authority which says it’s not just birth place!!We do indeed need to get to the discussion that the U.S.

Constitution itself differentiates a “citizen” from a “natural born Citizen” via the difference in its eligibility clauses for members of the House and Senate vs its eligibility clause for President — the former allowing any “citizen” while the latter allows only a “natural born Citizen”. No one can legitimately argue that President is not a higher government position than Congressman or Senator, therefore no one can legitimately argue that “natural born Citizen” is not a higher form of citizenship than “citizen”.The 14th Ammendment describes numerous ways someone would be a “citizen”, none of which is being born to citizen parents. In ommiting the latter the 14th Ammendment effectively eliminates being born to citizen parents as resulting in one being a “citizen”. No one can legitimately argue that being born to citizen parents results in one acquiring a lessor form of citizenship than any/all other ways, therefore it must result in a higher form of citizenship than “citizen”.The only higher form of citizenship mentioned in any of the U.S. Constitution’s eligibility clauses is “natural born Citizen” in its eligibiligy clause for POTUS, therefore, “natural born Citizen” can only mean born to citizen parents.Assuming Obama’s father was who Obama claims he was then Obama CANNOT be a “natural born Citizen” and therefore WAS NOT eligible to seek the Office of the Presidency and IS NOT eligible to serve in the Office of the Presidency.OUT WITH THE USURPER! Maybe JustaFly doesn’t see that an obvious fake gives the Flying Monkeys the opportunity to thrash out all sorts of questionable “explanations” as to how these “layering” things are really just by-products of the software used and mean nothing but to show how crazy anyone is who thinks it’s a fake.Of course if that’s true (and I doubt it) why did they go to such arcane lengts of scanning, converting, etc.

In the first place ehen the simplest and safest (from the standpoint of protecting the document in its bound book) would be to take a multimegapixel camera photo in situ (right there in the bound book) yielding directly an unmanipulated.jpg or.tif image?? Chances are, the bound books of paper birth certificates were photographed using microfilm cameras, beginning about 30 years ago, to record them onto microfiche (4 x 6 inch microfilm cards, with rows of tiny images).Then the microfiche (and more-recent paper documents) were scanned and digitized, beginning about 10 years ago.

At that point the paper birth certificates were reportedly destroyed.So what Obama released this week came from the electronic file(s) that were “scanned from” microfiche, perhaps 10 years ago. And it appears that several “microfiche scans” (electronic image files) were used, and “edited together” into a final “electronic document”.Had they wanted to release a single, genuine electronic image file, that would have been simple, and produced two.jpg or.tif files, without involving any “layers”.Two images include the front AND the back. The back has room for notes and references about adoption- and name-change- files, etc., that are located in other Hawaiian government offices, if the item #23 on the front becomes too crowded (“Evidence for Delayed Filing or Alteration”).Without seeing the entire back side, the document is definitely incomplete. Remember, they didn’t ever show the entire back of the previous (four distinct types of) short-form COLBs either.

The reason that The Powers That Be and Obama don’t worry about the natural born citizen clause is because, as it stands in the Constitution, there is a lot of leeway in the exact definition. They feel very, very strongly that they’ve burned enough evidence and falsified enough documents and killed and threatened enough people so that no one can really pursue the natural born citizen argument, legally –.so long as enough people keep believing that Barry was born in Hawaii.That is why Donald Trump has been so effective. He has no trouble saying he doesn’t believe Soetoro was possibly not born in the United States. And “The Donald” has enough money and clout that the Shyster-in-Chief actually rushed a ridiculous forgery out to show that he was born in Hawaii. Soebarkah is scared $#!tless that someone will prove he was born in Kenya. Trump could be instrumental in that – he’s just that powerful and pushy!In my opinion, anything other than proof that Obama was born in Kenya, or that he is using a dead man’s Social Security number, or other crime, like the aforementioned forgery (goodnes knows he’s probably committed an untold number of crimes that we haven’t discovered yet) will go nowhere.Of course, there are sincere people, and they are absolutely right, that say that the “law” should be followed, and NBC means two citizen parents and born in America.

Digging Deeper With The Dfx Pdf To Word Converter

But that is not in solid rock. Vattel would say it is so, and I would agree. But I don’t think that is ever going to go anywhere, even if it should.

That’s why Barry “Barack Obama” Soetoro readily admits his father was a Brit. He knows TPTB have set the stage for that to go absolutely nowhere, and we’ve seen that happen with case after case thrown out with specious excuses.What is in solid rock is that Junior was not born here, and that Stanley Ann Dunham could not confer citizenship on him because of her age.

That is a solid rock. And since BO was not born here, he doesn’t have a legit Social Security number. That is solid rock. The document he just put out is a forgery, and that’s fraud. Let’s begin to demand that he be arrested. Let’s get louder and louder until the True Believers can hear nothing else!!All other ground is, to quote a great hymn, “sinking sand.”. I understand what you’re saying, and appreciate your post.

But this:“Some authorities go further and include as citizens children born within the jurisdiction without reference to the citizenship of their parents.”leaves a hole as big as a barn for Obama and The Powers That Be to sail through, legally. It would be.nice. if they would follow the obvious intent of the framers, but, as we have seen, they, and the Supreme Court, and the Congress, and the media, will fight tooth-and-nail to find every loophole and slide through it. They have also been preparing to circumvent the NBC requirement for an ungodly long time.Being born in Kenya, OTOH, will be a game-changer and a game stopper. Same for the Social Security number fraud.

Kate-I have never kept up with celebrity gossip and such so I don’t know how the royal weddings work as far as who is normally invited. Is it customary for heads of state to be invited to royal weddings all the time? It does make sense that it would be. In which case, the fact that the O’s were not invited is extremely condemning. It could imply that either the Brits do not recognize O as a head of state, or that they do not consider him an ally.Were any of our ranking officials invited, do you know?I just hope that the world is not mad at all of us Americans because of him.But he has been such a pig to England.(Perhaps they just did not want to be embarrassed by a stupid gag gift!). When obat first took office he insulted the Queen.

So what do you expect?He gave her dvds of his speeches? In a format that could not even be played in England.He returned the bust of Churchill that had sat on the Presidential desk for years. He puts his feet on the desk that is so valuable and also came from England.He and MO went to England and were seemingly rude because they have no class and did not know how to act. However when they go to Muslim countries he bows to their dictators.I’m thinking the Queen is gracious, but not stupid.HE’S BUSTED!!!Finally!!!.BC on Aloah News.thanks. It is also on Repubx. Madlyn signed it? Hmmmm——————————————–PROOF ABSOLUTE: This was the original BC altered to become what you saw on April 27.by DFX April 30, 2011 00:14From Blogsphere:Notice at the Bottom: “Birthplace Kenya; Registered Honolulu.

Notice, Madlyn Payne Obama signed the certificate.From the Aloha Reporter 2010 archive. Snapshots taken on 04/30.The difference between the two are mainly the signatures and numbers, this is has to be why they show in separate layers in an altered version (replaced with Stanley Ann’s sig).Notice the word “Negro – African” was changed to just ‘African’ to match the first forgery of the short-form.The screen captures below are a little uneven. It is show that this came from the archive. The whole certificate is shown below that.Here it is people.The real deal!Barky’s going to jail!! This was posted on Conservative Monster!!Steve CooperThe Conservative Monster.comOne of the many thousands of loyal Conservative Monster fans sent me this link. I must say that if this photo is genuinethis explains why that piece of crap that Obama released the other day was allegedly EDITED with PhotoshopNOTICE: At the bottom of this copy of the COLB it states Birthplace Kenya; Registered Honolulu – Per Grandmother.Please post The Conservative Monster link if you share this post and LINKThank you,SteveThis is from the Aloha Reporter March 2010.

They do look a lot alike. I would have taken the two top signatures to have been written by the same person (I think the bottom one looks pretty different). It’s hard to tell. There are some differences, though. The Ms are written differently as are the lower case ns. But the swoopy capital letters look like the same handwriting to me.However, the rest of the info is very very believable.

I have no trouble at all with the designation “Negro-African.” And Madilyn Dunham’s signature date is 8/5, just one day after the birth. That is very believable.I notice also that the last signature here is not a ukelele. (Ahem.)And it is very telling that the forgery does NOT have that bottom row. Nor does it have the hospital as UNKNOWN-Kenya, Africa.Gee. I wonder why?????I do think it is very believable, though that should not be taken to mean I am persuaded it is genuine. But I do think it is possible that it could be, unlike the latest fake.Now, where did it come from?

And why does the Aloha Reporter have it? And why has it not been widely circulated among “birthers?”. It is a fake, HRS 338-17.8 did not become law until 1982.Forget the BC’S guys, we need to pound away on the quality of a Natural Born Citzen. A natural born citizen is a person born with unalienable and undivided allegience to the United States. This is a Supreme Court description of a natural born citizen.Obama’s lack of allegience to the USA is our strength.On March 3, 1961 his father applied for an extension of his student visa, but he was married to Ann on February 7, 1961, so why didn’t he apply for Residency?The reason is he never intended to become a member of our society, he never intended to place himself completely under the jursitiction of the United States.Even after Obama was born Obama Sr. Never once asked to be a part of our society, instead he always applied for extensions of his student visa, even though he stated on these requests he had a son born in Honolulu!Obama Sr.

Was a transient, and Justice Story said, that those who are transients cannot claim citizenship for their children born in the us. In WKA Justice Gray uses a line from section 48 of Justice Stories work to make WKA a citizen, but look at the second sentance.Persons, who are born in a country, are generally deemed citizens and subjects of that country. A reasonable qualification of this rule would seem to be, that it should not apply to the children of parents, who were in itinere in the country, or abiding there for temporary purposes, as for health, or occasional business. (Justice Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws Foriegn and Domestic) You can read this as a confict of laws between English Common Law and American Comon Law.As Dr. Kate is saying the BC is a strawman issue, to keep us away from the real issue which is allegiece. Great article Dr. Kate as always.

My take on this pathetic desperate move by this illegal fraud via Valerie Jarrett, is just that. They are desperate and so is all the corrupt news media who have invested all of their time given this dangerous usurper a pass and covering for him while he destroys America.I say our group is stronger than ever and the radical libnuts and leftards are totally dismantling.The out of control screaming in the interview where Lawrence O’Donnell screams at Orly Taiz showed an agenda crumbling right before our very eyes.The mock up speech Obama gave saying this silliness and he doesn’t have time for it yada yada yada and pretending to laugh about it is a lie. They are covering their tracks with more lies.This massive fraud and scam that has been done to the American people is so wide reaching that this scam will crack just like every cover up in history.You can only be a fraud for so long until your house of thugs falls, and that is exactly what we are now seeing happen.This arrogant, narcissist thinks he is beyond the law, and that his shadow gov’t and Commie buddies will take care of him no matter what.At this point the NWO probably is viewing him as a grave liability to their cause to take over the world. In other words the fraud in his narcissist state has jumped out of his choker chain and is just winging it, screwing things up. One mistake after the next.There is nothing smooth about this operator. Hell he can’t even get before an audience without his teleprompter.He has never shown any class or savvy whatsoever and we won’t even go into Mooochele aka Mrs. Darth Vader the fraudette.Yes Pimp Daddy Bama & the “Pimpettes” time is drawing near.That is why the left is acting out their tantrums like O’Donell, Matthews, Madcow.

Be Hog and Whoopi have also lost it because they are using an expired race card.Hey Whoopi, why don’t you try and call Rev. David Manning a racist? He’s a black minister from Harlem.Pathetic, desperate Communist stinking pigs.

The question of a “fake” or “forgery” hinges onHawaii Revised Statutes regulating how certified copies are produced, and whether or not a computer generated digital format, in lieu of a hardcopy paper document is legal and acceptable in a court of law. From a different blog here,there was quite a bit of chatter on the adoption. I too believe his certificate in Hawaii (if there ever was one) was sealed or destroyed when obat was adopted.Mario might be right, Indonesia may have the answers.I used JB Williams web site and sent my letter to my Congressman.Also sent a copy to his top aid.I then posted the site on Dr. K’s last blog and mailed it out to over 50 patriots in my address book.I was not amazed, but disappointed that I got several e-mail back stating that I had it wrong, that obat was a Citizen.So, I spent more time sending info out that quotes the Constitution and several that show case law.I guess I should have educated them prior to sending the tool for them to write to their Congress Critters and have the letters waiting for them on Monday morning.

Oh well, live and learn. Great article Kate, especially like your method for dealing with the strawman. We have been called so many names by those who reject the foundations of our nation, the Constitution that each time I get their venomous emails I know we are doing what is right. Those that live in darkness hate the light, but it is the light that allows us to find our way.No, we must resolve ourselves to continuing the fight, for the fight is not against a man, who is called Obama, but the fight is for a idea that government derives it just powers from the consent of the people.

The idea that government is of the people, by the people and for the people. We fight for a future for our posterity, a gift we give to those whose time has not come.We fight against those who would oppress us with the overbearence of a tyranical government. This is a fight we must win, for there will be no future in the world ruled by Obama and those who support him for people whose natural instinct is to seek freedom.Semper fi,Teo. Let me clarify my intent since I was sooo tired when I wrote this:I am a SOLDIER defining NBC as born incountry of parents who are its citizens. I use The Law of Nations, Bingham, Obama, Logic, SCOTUS precedent, to back it all up.I was just noting that because people are so uneducated, they cannot admit that there’s a certain group of statutory citizens who are not “natural born citizens”. Now by far the vast majority of Americans are NBCs, but those with an alien parent are NOT NBCs.

Most acknowledge that they aren’t eligible to be POTUS, but some take deep offense to this, and are insane about not having the option (“As If” right?). It was just a note.Now Dr. Kate acknowledges that she is not NBC, though she is a US Citizen and is more Americans than many NBC Americans! Born of one citzen parent = ‘naturalized’ NOT ‘Natural Born” Again why beat a dead horse with a stick? He needs to resign or be removed.

He is tearing up the constitution and is now working behind closed doors to remove the 2nd amendment. He is BUSH on steriods. He is bad for Amercia and his obots are foreigners who don’t know the difference between “Natural Born citzen” and “naturalized citizen”. They need to STFU and BUTT OUT!The news bobble heads know damned well the difference between “natural born” and “naturalized”.

They are complicit with this illegal charade.shuh-reyd; especially Brit. Shuh-rahd –noun– a blatant pretense or deception, especially something so full of pretense as to be a travesty.)The world is watching and they know what we are going through with this usurper. Don’t doubt it.The ‘wedding’ was beautiful.

All the Catholic pomp and circumstance is a welcome relief. No invite to the racists in chief.

What a relief. They’d try to steal the show from the bride and groom.Now he needs to be removed. No more discussion. He is the biggest scammer ever. It is anti- national (and specifically anti- American) one worldism, which political correctness is essential to facilitate.The underlying message, as I see it, is that this (former) American icon has determined that it is no longer productive to the greater good of humanity to continue to be identified with (American) nationalism.I have no idea how one renounces one’s citizenship, but I am pretty sure there is no such thing as a citizen with no country. I don’t think the U.N.

Is where one goes to renounce a citizenship. One would have to exchange that citizenship for citizenship in another country so the renunciation would be between the individual and those two countries, not the U.N. But we have Superman just renouncing his American citizenship (and that it’s an American citizenship could not possibly be more relevant) and that not before another country, but before the organization currently representing the world body of nations. Superman has chosen to become a World Citizen with no nation and that in the name of doing good. Translation: nationalism is bad, even for Americans, and this message is ESPECIALLY necessary for Americans to embrace.On the psychological level, American Superman fans are now denied the pride building enjoyment of holding the powerful, popular, and good Superman as the quintessential American icon representing Truth, Justice, and the AMERICAN way because he has just divorced those concepts from himself. Therefore, his fans are thrown into the position of choosing between him and their nation.

I wonder if they will recognize this?The satanic deceit is evident. Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy and this, too, is an example of Satanic theft. This classic American icon has been stolen from the people-hijacked for globalism-but (again deceit) that is hidden by the fact that this decision comes out of the mouth of Superman himself.Are we surprised?

But it is very very ugly and disturbing. Alinsky and Game Theory right from the Rand Corporation. The birth certificate is a red flag for the bulls. It is rather obvious that Obama’s strategy was to put out a shoddy copy then sic his minions on it–knowing the birthers would charge.

The better strategy now is the NBC argument. It is quite apparent the founders allowed dual citizenship only at the time the Constitution was written.

No need for legalese. Very simple.Also. His name is Barry.

Barry Soetero. We have that on school records. So why the need for a school record.

We have that evidence. Very.Just rememberConfusion is Barry Sotero’s friend.

Digging deeper with the dfx pdf to word pdf

Kate is right. As usual.Must be the gift of discernment. Sotomayor and Kagan again will not recuse themselves and the outcome is in peril of not reflecting the Constitution one iota.Kagan removed the Wrotnowski case off the dockets prior to election, as S.C.

Clerk, for which she was rewarded handsomely. Roberts swore in a foreigner. Sotomayor is an Obot. I don’t know the count but if need be I wouldn’t put it past Obama to rub out or threaten as needed.

He’s got everything to lose/gain.There is NO WAY We The People will prevail in the form of any legitimate opinion by people who have PROVEN they are rank criminals who work for communist interests ALREADY. RE: GOP Strategists Fear Fallout From Obama Birth RecordIn nutshell, this article says that the GOP leadership and the GOP strategists are all in full agreement not to use the eligibility issue, because it would hurt the GOP candidates.There is not a word about the constitutionality of the issue. The (irrationally) perceived election disadvantage overrides respect for the constitution.In reality, no candidate can raise the $1 B for the campaign that the regime will have. Still about half of the voters have a religious admiration for O. Most of these do not understand the current events and could not care less about who is right on policies.No candidate can win without disqualifying O first.

This very realistic scenario does not even earn a single mention in the article, and apparently in the minds of the GOP elite.How is that possible? Have they not learned from their failure of nominating McCain in 2008?They are either very unrealistic in assessing the situation or they want O to be reelected. There is no other alternative.It seems that Trump may have to run as independent if he keeps trying to uncover the truth. The GOP wants to cover up the truth – ignoring the constitution.Go Donald. I think given their SCOTUS plan, it may be better to let the BC be an admission statement instead of challenging it per se. He just admitted he’s not NBC.See, the Supreme Court ALREADY RULED on what NBC is, so any talk of letting this corrupt pack of criminals “decide” on that is actually them OVERTURNING existing case precedent.

That is what they’d need to do.In the meantime, we need to sue in those states with eligibility laws that Obama admits he’s not a natural born citizen based on Supreme Court precedence (Minor, Wong, etc.). Minor HOLDS that no 14th amendment citizen is ever a natural born citizen, so that’s a slam dunk right there. Wong HOLDS that no child of an alien is ever a natural born citizen, so that’s slam dunk #2.The point is, DON’T LET THEM BRING THIS TO SCOTUS TO LET THEM DECIDE ON A MATTER THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN SETTLED. Good morning!

Here’s a wonderful idea to wake up to from Lame Cherry, with a most clever tag line – “Go West, Hair Man”!:“I have some advice for Donald Trump which he should take.“I suggested at the start of this in Donald Trump going to Leavenworth Kansas and staging a rally for Lt. The details in this are he could hook up with Joseph Farah who would publicize Trump for the story, and Trump could link into Jerome Corsi’s upcoming snip book which will erode the British Obama in toto.“Yes Mr.

Trump, go west hair man, and visit Kansas as there is a tornado there if you blow enough which will puff Mr. Obama’s house of cards down.”I love the idea. If Trump were to do this, he would leave every else in the Republican field in the dust, not to mention bring Barry Soetoro to his knees. Americans would rally around “The Donald” in droves, IMHO.I’m definitely going to write Trump and suggest this. For anyone else who is interested, here is his address (if you can find a better one, please post it – this is what I’ve found so far):Donald TrumpThe Trump Organization725 Fifth AvenueNew York, NY 10022.

9th Circuit will hear eligibility argumentsBut attorneys say dispute involves much more than birth certificate“The case has been pending since the 2008 election. The plaintiffs alleged that Obama’s qualifications were not checked properly, and that has resulted in a violation of the U.S. Constitution, a man occupying the Oval Office who does not meet the requirements that only a “natural born Citizen” can hold the office.California attorney Orly Taitz told WND today that her hope is for a decision that will return the case to the district court for proceedings, which could include a discovery process through which a large number of Obama’s life documents could be obtained.”Good Luck Orly and may God Bless You! Sorry for the double post. The one above is way out of sequence, so here it is again.Anyone can follow the latest youTube videos about Obama’s new long-form, pdf COLB, using this link:( Obama Birth Certificate pdf filtered for “uploaded today”).There are some videos appearing that seriously debunk the allegation that the “pdf COLB anomalies” are somehow nefarious.

For example:Other side of the argument:Obama Birth Certificate + reproduction of so-called Tampering – 4:47Obama PDF Explained – Linked elements, transform + rotation history, clipping masks – 4:57. Hey Kate’s Gang! Growing up in Nashville, I was just about sick of country music by the time I went to college. Well, time has a way of changing a person and today I have a new favorite song.

As a matter of fact, I’d like to propose this song as the new theme song for DrKatesView.When You’re Holding a Hammer (Everything Looks Like a Nail)This note from a friend in Hawaii came with the link.Subject: Tennessee Football Coach fired for making Obama song –He’s going to make more money when this song becomes a big hit than he would teaching school.Tennessee middle school assistant football coach, age 26, fired for a song he wrote and played!When you go to the link for the song, there are a couple of sites that give the news on the firing. This could be the next number one hit country song.

It’s the best effort yet at encapsulating the outrage at the oversteps of this government in an entertaining song.Apparently, the guy was fired over the song because some parents complained. If you like it, help it go “viral” by passing it along to everyone you know.HE’S BUSTED!!!Finally!!!.BC on Aloah News.thanks. It is also on Repubx. Madlyn signed it? Hmmmm——————————————–PROOF ABSOLUTE: This was the original BC altered to become what you saw on April 27.by DFX April 30, 2011 00:14From Blogsphere:Notice at the Bottom: “Birthplace Kenya; Registered Honolulu.

Notice, Madlyn Payne Obama signed the certificate.From the Aloha Reporter 2010 archive. Snapshots taken on 04/30.The difference between the two are mainly the signatures and numbers, this is has to be why they show in separate layers in an altered version (replaced with Stanley Ann’s sig).Notice the word “Negro – African” was changed to just ‘African’ to match the first forgery of the short-form.The screen captures below are a little uneven. It is show that this came from the archive. The whole certificate is shown below that.Here it is people.The real deal!Barky’s going to jail!!.HE’S BUSTED!!!.BC on Aloah News.thanks. It is also on Repubx. Madlyn signed it?


Hmmmm——————————————–PROOF ABSOLUTE: This was the original BC altered to become what you saw on April 27.by DFX April 30, 2011 00:14From Blogsphere:Notice at the Bottom: “Birthplace Kenya; Registered Honolulu. Notice, Madlyn Payne Obama signed the certificate.From the Aloha Reporter 2010 archive.

Snapshots taken on 04/30.The difference between the two are mainly the signatures and numbers, this is has to be why they show in separate layers in an altered version (replaced with Stanley Ann’s sig).Notice the word “Negro – African” was changed to just ‘African’ to match the first forgery of the short-form.The screen captures below are a little uneven. It is show that this came from the archive. The whole certificate is shown below that.Here it is people.The real deal!Barky’s going to jail!!

A short Youtube video that puts this in perspective for your unbelieving friends, neighbors, family, etc.Especially forwarded it to your Congress Critters.After I sent out the request for people to contact their Congressmen/women I received a lot of e-mail telling me that obama WAS eligible to be president.I think you will be more understanding of what is a Natural Born Citizen, according to the Resolution that is explained in this video.If this is in writing in Corsi’s book, what excuse can Congress come up with to keep looking the other way? “WORLD INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES: OBAMA’S LONG FORM BIRTH CERTIFICATE A RANK FORGERY””.MUST SEE OUTSTANDING VIDEO!!!!!!“OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE FAKED IN ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR – OFFICIAL PROOF”Look & listen carefully to the 3:27 mark where the narrator states, “Now, allegedly this birth certificate was “scanned” onto a computer. If you know anything about scanners and scanning inside of Adobe Illustrator, it keeps it on one layer! It doesn’tthere is no such thing as technology for a scanner that will separate parts of the images to different layers. SO, IF THEY SCANNED THIS, WHICH THEY SAY THEY DID, IT WOULD ALL BE ON ONE LAYER. However, here there are multiple layers as you can see, and even inside of these, there’s more! I’m just going to show you, ah, this is the original one.

Right here, the bottom layer is the first layer they started out with”And, see & listen to especially at the 4:38 mark: “This is added on the computer. This isn’t even penmanship, it is added on a computer,” and look at the 5:04 mark for information as well!!Here is the person’s name and email address who created this video and posted it online, if people have any further questions.Albert Renshaw, 2011 (albertiphonedeveloper@yahoo.com).“DR. RON POLLAND EVALUATES OBAMA’S “BIRTHCERTIFICATE” – THEY FORGOT TO FLATTEN LAYERS”Introduction By Sharon RondeauApril 28, 2011.“OBAMA’S ONLINE ‘BIRTH CERTIFICATE’ DOCUMENT ‘WAS CHANGED’ – ANALYSIS RAISES POSSIBILITY CONTENT OF TEXT WAS ALTERED”By Bob Unruh© 2011 WorldNetDailyPosted: May 01, 2011Read More Here: “ONLINE ‘BIRTH CERTIFICATE’ DOCUMENT ‘WAS CHANGED’”.

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